reation (tennis, basketball, volleyball and golf): Muilenburg as chairman, Eddy Opp as vice-chairman. • Streets, baseball, liquor: McGannon as chairman, Blackmun as vice-chairman. • Wastewater, solid waste, forestry, airport: Opp as chairman, Glover as vice-chairman. • Finance office, legal, library, insurance, general administration: Blackmun as chairman, Mary Fliehs as vice-chairman. • Senior citizens, community center, civil defense, economic development: Fliehs as chairman, Muilenburg as vice-chairman. • Police: Mayor as chairman, Opp and McGannon as co-vice-chairmen. • • During the discussion of the bills, the bill from Aberdeen Asphalt was brought up. It amounted to $10,753.34, which is about double of the original estimate. "We found a lot more cracks than anticipated," Mayor Hanlon said. "It had to be done and it looks like they did a good job." • Terry Herron and Dwight Zerr were recognized by the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources for having good drinking water in Groton. To be recognized by the state, they have to meet the following requirements for 10 consecutive years: Compliance monitoring and reporting, drinking water standards and (Continued on page 4)