Britton City-Wide Rummage Sales- Saturday, May 10th, 8am-1pm. Listings will be available for you to print after May 8th on www.brittonsouthdakota.com under the "play" tab.
Groton United Methodist Women May Breakfast, Wednesday, May 7, with seating at 11:30 am and 1:15 pm. $8 Reservation required. Call Clare Brotherton at 397-8177 or Caralee Heitmann at 397-8634. Meals may be picked up or we will deliver to local businesses. To schedule a delivery, please call Kay Brandt at 397-8389 Monday or Tuesday or before 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 7th.
Open House Bridal Shower for Brianna Siefkes. May 7th at 6:00pm at St John's Lutheran Church in Hecla.
ONE AND TWO bedroom apartment for rent. HDS subsidized. Rent includes utilities and heat. No smoking. Pets okay. Contact Kendra at 605/215-4000.