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trict, will also speak at the ceremony. Other guests include Charles Pick and Frances Pick Dillard, relatives of General Lewis Pick. • Watertown's Statehood Celebration Community Committee is sponsoring seven hours of outdoor activities at Joy Ranch on Sunday, Aug. 17, featuring actors portraying South Dakota's first Governor, Arthur Mellette, and his wife, Margaret. • Activities and events will include a Sherwin Linton concert, games, costumes, butter churning, an old time hymn sing-a-long, old-time fiddlers, Native American dancers and cowboy shoot-outs. A small electric train will also give rides throughout the grounds and there will also be displays of 1880s fire equipment. For their lasting legacy project, Watertown is creating a time capsule. • Last week, Gov. Daugaard sent over 500 information packets to South Dakota's cities, towns and local historical organizations to invite communities to commemorate South Dakota's 125th anniversary. • All locally formed committees will receive help from the Governor's Office to publicize their events and projects, an official certificate and the opportunity to have special highway signs for their communities. • Other towns are also organizing. Information about creating a local committee is available at http://125.sd.gov and under the heading "Celebration Communities."