Sippel name Groton's Best and Brightest among South Dakota
• Best and brightest of Class of 2014 honored by Gov. Daugaard and ASBSD: A group of the best and brightest graduating seniors from the class of 2014 were honored during the 24th Annual Academic Excellence Banquet in Pierre this past Monday. In conjunction with the office of Gov. Daugaard, the Associated School Boards of SD invited nearly 200 students fro, the state's public, private, and tribal schools to celebrate their academic accomplishments. The event is sponsored by the South Dakota Community Foundation and Citibank. Schools are asked to identify one student for every 100 graduating seniors based on academic criteria, such as grade point average and scores on college readiness exams. • Camille Sippel, the daughter of Marc and Franne Sippel was chosen from the 2014 Groton senior class.