duck pond at the homecoming kids' carnival. We sold tattoos and eye blacks to the high school and elementary school. All proceeds from these fundraisers went into our community improvement fund. • In October, we held our annual Fruit/Meat & Cheese fundraiser. Thank you to all of you who made purchases from us, your support is very appreciated! • Again this year, we held our annual food drive in November. We invited other school groups to join us in our effort to help the needy in our community. We collected over 80 bags of groceries that we distributed right here in town. • In January, District One had their District Meeting in which our chapter attended. Eight FCCLAers qualified for state at this meeting. We also had the opportunity to attend workshops and listened to a very inspirational speaker. We also held an FCCLA pizza party at lunch for those FCCLAers who had acquired at least 35 points, as a thank you for their involvement in the community. • In February, we celebrated National FCCLA Week. We sold Crush Cans at lunch. Students bought the cans for their crush or just their friends and were delivered the day before Valentine's Day (because we didn't have school on Valentine's Day). We also had the Pregnancy Belly contest amongst the male high school teachers who were willing to take the chance that they might have to where the pregnancy belly. Jars were placed in the high school office for students to put money in, by the end of the week Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Johnson had the most money and each had to where the pregnancy belly at the school for a whole day! • In March, we had our annual Spa Night which was a fun evening spent with our moms and friends getting pampered. Thank you to Maddie Howard who did hair, Tammie Hanson who did Satin Hands, and to Madison Profeta, Sydney Hanna, and (Continued on page 20)