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school year. She is married to Justin Hanson and they live in Groton. • The board granted Shaun Wanner the approval to use a bus to take the football players to a camp at Valley City, June 5-7. • Katie Groeblinghoff earned a bronze award on the National Spanish Exam. There are 40,000 to 60,000 students across the United States that take the exam and she was in the 79th percentile. • The kindergarten class was the winner in the FCCLA Ronald McDonald House poptabs collection. The third grade biography fair will be at 2:30 p.m. on May 2. • The second meeting of the Groton Area School Board in June has been moved to June 30 at 7:30 p.m. It is normally scheduled for June 23, but Business Manager Mike Weber said he would like to see it moved to the 30th. He said that it would help wrap up the financial report for the school year, which ends June 30th.