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island is one of the more eccentric examples of Iranians supporting the Islamic Republic's plan of pursuing an "economy of resistance," which aims to create jobs and counter biting sanctions by building up a broader range of exports. • Roostaei started the business with the idea of producing crocodile leather bags, shoes, purses and belts to sell to snappy dressers at home and abroad. • She and husband Behrouz Salarvand also want to produce crocodile meat -- for export only because it is forbidden for human consumption under Iran's Islamic laws. •
Today in History The Associated Press
• Today is Tuesday, April 29, the 119th day of 2014. There are 246 days left in the year. • • Today's Highlight in History: • On April 29, 1974, President Richard M. Nixon announced he was releasing edited transcripts of some secretly made White House tape recordings related to Watergate. • • On this date: • In 1429, Joan of Arc entered the besieged city of Orleans to lead a French victory over the English. • In 1798, Joseph Haydn's oratorio "The Creation" was rehearsed in Vienna, Austria, before an invited audience. • In 1861, the Maryland House of Delegates voted 53-13 against seceding from the Union. In Montgomery, Ala., President Jefferson Davis asked the Confederate Congress for the authority to wage war. • In 1913, Swedish-born engineer Gideon Sundback of Hoboken, N.J., received a U.S. patent for a "separable fastener" - later known as the zipper. • In 1945, during World War II, American soldiers liberated the Dachau (DAH'-khow) concentration camp. Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun and designated Adm. Karl Doenitz (DUHR'-nihtz) president. • In 1946, 28 former Japanese officials went on trial in Tokyo as war criminals; seven ended up being sentenced to death. • In 1957, the SM-1, the first military nuclear power plant, was dedicated at Fort Belvoir, Va.
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