Groton School Newsletter
Elementary Principal~ Dan Dalchow • As our weather continues to improve, things start to dry up, and the temperature outside warms up, students of all ages tend to get a case of spring fever and they start to want to spend more time outdoors and less time focused on schoolwork. A lot of times this spring fever tends to be reflected in grades and test scores. If you see your child "catching" spring fever, encourage them to continue to do their best. Set goals, timelines, or schedules so that they get their schoolwork requirements completed before they go outside. Research has shown that setting up specific times for schoolwork and reading has been proven effective in raising grades and test scores. Summer is coming, but we still have some work to do before we get there and we want everyone working and performing at their best until that time comes. • As our year comes to a close, I would like to mention a few successes we have had this year. Our attendance is up not only on the daily attendance for students, but also for parent/teacher conferences and volunteer work at school and special events. When parents are involved in their student's education, in any form, the odds of that child succeeding in school rise exponentially. Another success is that our discipline referrals are down! Students are making good choices. Finally, we have had a number of students graduate out of special services. More than I have seen in a long time. Students are motivated, are working hard, and succeeding. This can be attributed to the support at home as well as the teachers and paraprofessionals here at school. • If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel to contact me at school. • Sincerely, • Mr. Dan Dalchow ~ Principal Groton Area Elementary School Elementary Phone # 397-2317 E-mail: dan.dalchow@k12.sd.us
• Junior Kindergarten - Julie Milbrandt • The Junior Kindergarteners are continuing on their journey. We are almost through the alphabet - all of the snow days have put a crimp in our schedule, too! As we work through the last few weeks of the school year, we will finish up the last letter of the alphabet - we have gotten very good at letter naming and what sounds the letters make. We will do some review weeks around different themes - Spring and bugs. We will also keep practicing our number identification and counting skills. Upcoming events will include visiting Kindergarten, our spring concert, and hopefully a day at the park!
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