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• 9th grade Health - Mrs. Seibel • This month's unit has been on the topic of HIV/AIDS. The students have learned the basic HIV/AIDS information, state HIV/AIDS statistics, myths and facts of HIV/AIDS, risk behaviors, how HIV defeats the immune system, protecting oneself and others, and lastly, the students learn how to use their refusal skills to say "No." Our next topic will be on STDs and then we will end the year by learning how to perform CPR and give first aid to minor injuries. • 6th Grade Reading - Mary Johnson • Get the Kleenexes out! Both sections of reading have started the classic novel Where the Red Fern Grows. It's a heartwarming story about the love and loyalty between a boy and his dogs. There has yet to be a student that has not liked reading this story. Various reading skills are practiced through class discussion, multiple choice questions, journal writing, and worksheets. • • 6th grade Social Studies - Mary Johnson • The sixth graders have travelled back in time to the start of the human race. They have learned that people long ago had the same basics that we enjoy now. They even had technology! But to the ancient civilizations, technology was the invention of a new weapon or tool. We are currently going to begin the chapter about World War I and II. They will be studying the causes to the wars as well as other concepts such as trench warfare, mustard gas, the holocaust, different battles, and the impact of these wars on the world. • • World History - Mr. Thorson • Hard to believe the year is almost over and these freshman will soon become "Super Soph's"!! We started the semester talking about the American and French Revolutions and will learn about both World Wars. Lastly we will talk a little about the world we live in today from terrorism to technology. Over the course of the year we have covered a ton of information and I hope most student will have retained much of the lessons learned. We do a lot of projects, speeches as well as taking notes. Most of the kids have done very well understanding all the info thrown at them and have seemed to enjoy the material. I will see them again next year in Geography. •
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