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and fast currents before rescuers arrived. • ___
SKorea ferry toll hits 150 as search gets tougher; divers break cabin walls to reach victims
• JINDO, South Korea (AP) -- The grim work of recovering bodies from the submerged South Korea ferry proceeded rapidly Wednesday, with the official death toll reaching 150, though a government official said divers must now rip through cabin walls to retrieve more victims. • The victims are overwhelmingly students of a single high school in Ansan, near Seoul. More than three-quarters of the 323 students are dead or missing, while nearly two-thirds of the other 153 people on board the ferry Sewol when it sank one week ago survived. • Even with about 150 people still missing, the funeral halls in Ansan are already full, Oh Sang-yoon of the government-wide emergency task force center said in a statement. He said the center "is taking measures to accommodate additional bodies by placing mortuary refrigerators at the funeral halls in Ansan," and directing mourning families to funeral homes in nearby cities. • On Jindo island, where bodies recovered from the ferry are taken, descriptions of the dead are read over a loudspeaker. Relatives rush over to the main notice board and peered at details added by an official. • Some relatives cry out and run from the tent. Others stand red-eyed and shell-shocked. • ___
Material that washed ashore in western Australia being examined in Malaysian jet search
• PERTH, Australia (AP) -- Authorities say unidentified material that washed ashore in southwestern Australia is being examined for any link to the lost Malaysian plane. • The search coordination center said Wednesday evening that police secured the material that washed ashore 10 kilometers (6 miles) east of Augusta in Western Australia. Its statement did not describe the material found. • The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is examining photographs to assess whether further investigation is needed and if the material is relevant to Flight MH370. • Augusta is near Australia's southwestern tip about 310 kilometers (190 miles) (Continued on page 33)