Citizens Encouraged to Schedule Driver License Appointments
• PIERRE, S.D. - With the busy summer season approaching, officials with the South Dakota Driver Licensing Program encourage citizens to consider scheduling an appointment for quick, convenient service. • Waiting times have been reduced to a matter of just a few minutes at most exam stations in the past year or more, but a scheduled appointment eliminates even that brief wait, said Cindy Gerber, director of the Driver Licensing Program. • "The summer season is always a little busier with schools out and driver-education programs underway,'' Gerber said. "When our applicants use the scheduling service, they are in charge of their time and can fit their appointment for renewals and other driver-licensing services into their daily schedules.'' • Since July of 2012 the Driver Licensing Program has offered scheduled appointments at exam stations in the state's larger cities. Scheduling is available in Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Aberdeen and Watertown. • "We continue to take walk-in customers as always, but those with scheduled appointments move immediately to the next available examiner when they walk in the door,'' Gerber said. • For applicants who choose to take care of driver licensing needs in person, self-service kiosks are available in larger stations. The applicant begins the process at the kiosk and moves to the examiner's station only for the vision screening and final steps, saving time for both the applicant and the examiner. • To schedule an appointment for driver license or ID card renewal in Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Aberdeen or Watertown, applicants may go online (http://dps.sd.gov/licensing/driver_licensing/default.aspx) or call 1-800-952-3696.