Lazy Farmers 4-H
• The April 6, 2014 meeting of the Lazy Farmers was held at the Groton Community Center at 6:30. • The meeting was called to order by acting President Devan Howard. Makayla Jones led us in the US pledge and Faith Fliehs led us in the 4H pledge. Roll call was answered by 14 members and no guests. Roll call topic was favorite Easter Candy and if you are in horse or rodeo or not. The 4H insurance is due in May. Secretaries report was read by Makayla and treasures report was given by Kari Hanson. Tanae made a motion to accept secretary and treasures reports and Makayla seconded the motions. Motion passed. • Old business included report on fruit sales for our club was an awesome: $5107, plus some extra sales. Thank you to Stacey, Vicci and Jesse for helping with fruit delivery day. There was no report for community service. • New business included that everyone read the newshound online. Prospect Calf project affidavits are due June 1 and you are to use the market beef form. This is a Brown County project only and will not advance to State Fair. No information was given on the livestock project day to be at the Darrin Erdmann farm on April 12. Please note that during check- in on livestock day of the Brown County Fair, that the vet will be at the gate from 8am until noon, which is unlike past years where the vet was available until 2pm. • There are still spots available at 4H camp and sign up has been extended to April 30. • Next meeting is set for May 4 and we will be cleaning the cemetary. Time will be emailed to everyone. • Motion was made by Travis to adjourn and seconded by Lane. • Acting Secretary/Reporter- Makayla Jones • Demonstrations were given by Cassandra Townsend- Teaching Your Dog to Jump; Lexi Gustafson- Cleaning your Trumpet. Talks were given by Travis Townsend-History of the Apple Corporation; Lexi Gustafson- Should You Drive at Age 14 or 16?.