(Continued from page 23)
• A long-term convict, 74 and struggling with life on the outside, succumbs to homesickness for prison_and robs a bank to get back in. • • 9. FLIGHT SIMULATOR BUSINESS FIRES HIGH-PROFILE INSTRUCTOR, CITING TARDINESS, DRESS • Mitchell Casado's relaxed style of jeans and plaid shirts attracted wide attention during his frequent appearances on CNN as part of its coverage. • • 10. WHERE MLS IS ADDING A FRANCHISE • Atlanta's retractable dome stadium, scheduled to open in 2017, will be home to the fast-growing soccer league's newest team. •
AP News in Brief UN report says Iran has neutralized half of its uranium stock closest to nuke-arms grade.
• VIENNA (AP) -- The U.N. nuclear agency says Iran has neutralized half of its stockpile of higher-enriched uranium that could be turned quickly into the core of a nuclear weapon. • The development leaves Tehran with substantially less of the 20-percent enriched uranium that it would need to for such a purpose. Uranium at that level is only a technical step away from weapons-grade material. • The U.N's International Atomic Energy Agency reported the development Thursday in a confidential report obtained by The Associated Press. • Iran denies any interest in atomic arms. But it has agreed to some nuclear concessions in exchange for a partial lifting of sanctions crippling its economy under a deal in effect since January. • Diluting half of its 20-percent enriched stockpile were among the Iranian commitments under the agreement. • ___
Ukraine: 3 pro-Russian militants killed, 13 injured after clashes at Black Sea military base
• KIEV, Ukraine (AP) -- Three pro-Russian militants died and 13 were wounded when Ukrainian troops repelled an attack on a National Guard base in the Black Sea (Continued on page 25)