what we were providing five years ago. That has resulted in many cuts to programs. We have cut Career and Technical Education programs and now we are upset that we do not have enough young people skilled in these areas to take the jobs that are available. We have cut counselors out of many of our schools and we wonder why we have students who have behavior problems and/or problems in planning their futures. We have students that have talent in art and yet many schools have cut their art programs. We know from our discussions last summer that our schools have utilized their capital outlay funds for general fund expenditures and have traded off building projects and needed maintenance. We also know that we are losing our teachers to other fields of employment, to other states, or retirement. We are reaching a crisis situation. • We have low taxes and as a result we have terrible issues with roads in our counties and townships. We did try to address some of these things in the 2014 session but the threat of a veto by our Governor prevents our legislators from supporting an increase in funding measures that would address these issues despite the plea from our county and township officials. We must address this in the next session and I am hoping that a summer study comes up with some viable solutions. This is also a crisis situation in terms of safety and economic impact. • We brag about having the second lowest unemployment rate in nation but many of our jobs pay very low wages. In fact, low wages are one of the things we use to draw businesses into SD. We talk about being the best state in the union in terms of the business climate. Again the low wages and low taxes are the drawing card. Many of these low paying jobs provide no health insurance and the burden for the bills often fall on the county and hospitals and results in higher health care costs for everyone. When we had the opportunity to expand Medicaid to provide some relief for our local governments and healthcare (Continued on page 4)