• We've all heard phrases like, "Wow, that company is really going places," or "That person is going to the top of the ladder," or "I wonder where they are going." Everyone seems to be going some place to do something. But what matters most is where they are going and what they are going to do when they get there. • Christians have responded to Christ's "come" and when we do we are commanded to "go!" with the specific responsibility to "make disciples." • The Psalmist was very direct when he addressed this "come" and then "go." He described it in these terms: "Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them." • When we "go" we are to "sow." God gave us the "seed," which is His Word for a purpose: We are not to store it in sacks in a warehouse, but to plant it in the hearts of those who are still seeking Him. Our hearts may become heavy and tears may fill our eyes. But there is the assurance that our tears will be changed into songs of joy because His Word is true and will not return to Him void - without results. We are to sow the seed He gives us and allow Him the honor of the harvest - whatever that may be. Because it is His seed, we may never understand or know what the harvest will be. Though the work may be laborious and the results uncertain, the Lord will be with us wherever He leads us and will bless what we do for Him. • The assurance of God's blessing is a word of encouragement that He offers us to be responsible "sowers of His seed." We are not to sit idly by and wait to see the results. We are to go and sow and pray and leave the harvest to Him. And surely there will be a harvest if we are faithful "sowers." He promises that we will return from the field singing songs of joy bringing His sheaves with us. • Prayer: Help us, Father, to follow Your command - Your orders - to be faithful "sowers" of the "seed" and trust You for the results. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 126:6 Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. •