KidQuest Nutritional Program
• BROOKINGS, S.D. - KidQuest is a school based nutrition and physical activity program designed especially for pre-adolescents in the 5th and 6th grade. Youth engaged in KidQuest build skills in making healthier lifestyle choices through eight different nutrition lessons. • "Each lesson is supported by educational presentations including hands on group activities, activity supplements, healthy homework, and physical activity lessons," said Becky Jensen, SDSU Extension Extension Associate & Grant Coordinator. • Making an Impact • Since it's inception in 2004, KidQuest has been pilot tested and evaluated for efficiency in over 40 South Dakota schools with self reported surveys. Improvement seen in overall fruit and veggie intake, decrease in sweetened beverage intake and increases in food label reading. • To date, eight SDSU graduate students and two UNL graduate students have utilized or are planning to utilize the KidQuest program and data collection for their Master's/Dissertation work. • University of Nebraska - Lincoln (UNL) is utilizing KidQuest as part of a research study impacting 700+ youth. • The curriculum includes a leader's guide, presentations, activity supplements and healthy homework. The Leader's guide provides an outline for im (Continued on page 8)