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the most profitable thanks to crop insurance and commodity programs. • "It's been a win-win for our operation to place natural resources as our top priority," he said. •
• Increase in heroin use hasn't yet reached SD DIRK LAMMERS, Associated Press
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Some states are reporting a rise in heroin use as many addicts shift from more costly and harder-to-get prescription opiates to this cheaper alternative. A look at what's happening in South Dakota: • THE PROBLEM: • The nationwide trend hasn't yet hit South Dakota, but federal and state officials are anticipating that heroin could soon become more prevalent. • U.S. Attorney Brendan Johnson said South Dakota has dealt with its share of prescription drug abuse cases, and nationwide trends show a strong connection between prescription drug use and heroin use. • "We know it's a significant problem in the U.S.," Johnson said. "A lot of my U.S. attorney colleagues around the country are prosecuting these cases." • South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley said the in-demand high in recent years has shifted from methamphetamine, to prescription drugs, to synthetic drugs and recently back to meth, as synthetic drugs have become more difficult to obtain. • Although Jackley hasn't seen a recent rise in heroin cases in South Dakota, he's added a heroin slide to the awareness campaign presentations he gives around the state in case the numbers begin to climb. • "At the worst case, we're overreacting," Jackley said. "But I think the reality is we'll likely see an increase in heroin use in the years to come." • THE NUMBERS: • Only four overdose deaths were attributed to heroin in South Dakota between 2004 and 2012, the latest dates for which figures are available, according to the state Department of Health. The department recorded one death each in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2012. • The South Dakota Department of Social Services said that while 10 people were approved to receive state funding to treat their addiction in 2006, 52 were helped in 2013. • Jackley said although possession arrests dropped to zero in 2010, they've remained relatively steady over the past three years, with nine in 2011, 10 in 2012 and nine in 2013. • State and local statistics show the largest heroin seizure in recent years was 2.3 (Continued on page 19)