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Groton Area Middle School and High School School Newsletter
• Computer Lab - Mrs. Dennert • Jr. High classes have been keeping busy working on their keyboarding skills as well as picking up some new techniques using Microsoft Office 2013's Word and PowerPoint programs. The seventh graders are just starting to work with Word 2013. The sixth and seventh graders are also trying out a free web based typing program found at typingweb.com. • In February, the high school students completed work on some School Service Projects. The students put their skills learned in Word and PowerPoint to use by creating some classroom materials for elementary teachers. They also scanned picture books, creating PowerPoint presentations for the third grade's use. Now everyone can see the illustrations! • The advanced computer class updated some of the elementary teachers' web pages using a program called SharePoint Designer 2007. It is good to give back to the school system. The advanced computer class will start work on the senior graduation slide show very soon. If anyone has group pictures of the senior class (old or new) that they'd like to contribute, please drop them off in the office or have a student give them to Mrs. Dennert. • • MS Guidance - Ms. Seeklander • Curious about what has been going on in the Middle School counselor's office? Hang on to your hat because like a spring breeze here we go! In 6th- 8th grade we have been focusing on teamwork and doing our very best. Testing my student's ability to work with others with using everyday things like spaghetti, marshmallows, and straws has been quite enjoyable. Eighth graders have also been working on career exploration using SDMyLife. They also registered for their 9th grade classes with the help of Mrs. Sternhagen. We have a little bit more work to do with SDMyLife in order to meet the state's 8th grade completion standards so we will finish out the year getting that done. Since March 5 was Spread the Word to End the Word day we had a valuable lesson on using the word "retard" or "retarded". It wasn't about being politically correct or an infringement on their 1st amendment right to free speech. Rather, it was about doing the right thing. Hopefully through this lesson our students will think twice about the words they use. In proper March Madness fashion we also had a lesson on sportsmanship and fairness. Looking ahead our classroom guidance times will be interrupted by Smarter Balanced and DSTEP testing. Once all our state (Continued on page 9)