(Continued from page 3)
• First grade is continuing to work on adding and subtracting with 2 digit numbers. They are learning their doubles by repeating a doubles rap. We have been working on tally and tables. • Second grade is working on regrouping in addition and subtraction. They are using doubles to help solve subtracting problems. We are continuing to review money, time and patterns. • Third grade has been working with perimeter and area of rectangles. They are quickly trying to understand and memorize some multiplication facts. Measurement to the nearest one-fourth inch is also being practiced. • Fourth grade have been working on three-digit multiplication and division. This process takes a lot of practice. They are working on decimals. Measurement will be coming up soon. • Fifth grade has finished studying points on a graph, measuring and drawing lines, angles and points. They are currently working on converting measurements. •
(Continued on page 5)