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Growing and Changing. The students have discovered that animals and plants change over time. We have gone on an adventure with a seed that eventually turned into a stunning flower. We also traveled back millions of years ago to discover a "Super Crocodile," which was the size of a school bus. The last story of this unit is about an Eskimo family and their relationship with wolves. • In Math class the students have just finished Geometry and Measurement units. Next they will discover more about Number Sense with numbers up to 1,000. The students will be learning about place value and comparing numbers. Soon we will be working with fractions and multiplication! • • • 4th Grade - Sue Fjeldheim and Joel Guthmiller • The 4th grade will start taking their Smarter Balance Tests the week of March 31st thru April 4th. It's very important that students get plenty of sleep and start the day off with some breakfast. That way they have something in their stomach and are ready to go. We also will let them chew gum during the test. • Keep practicing those multiplication and division facts. We are now jumping around trying to hit the skills we need to take the Smarter Balance Test. Math time is spent using all our facts that we have been learning this past year. The better you know your facts, the easier it has been for our students. • Our last field trip will be to Prairie Hills Farms in Aberdeen for the AG Fair. It's on April 29th. There are six different stations that the fourth graders will visit learning about grains, dairy, beef, horses, swine, sheep, and farm safety. The Groton FFA puts this on every year and just does a great job! • We just finished our South Dakota Unit. The students have had a good time learning about the state of South Dakota and all it has to offer. Many students will want to go on vacation to some spots we have been learning about. They will be bringing home their South Dakota Book, which is theirs to keep. We would like to thank James Valley Telecommunications for donating the books every year for us. • Don't forget that the end of the year is coming up quickly. All students need 40 pts. to reach their AR goal. Our t-shirt goal is 55 pts. • Well, the 3rd quarter is over and the year is just flying by. We have really enjoyed our students this year. Feel free to stop by and visit us anytime.
• Title I - Nancy Cutler, Lynette Grieve, & Bonnie Schimmel • Kindergarten has just finished studying the big numbers to 40 and the chapter on measurement. They are working on time including ordinal numbers and first, next and last.
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