Groton Elementary School News
• Elementary Principal ~ Dan Dalchow • Spring is here and the warmer weather will be here soon. With the coming of warm weather come student thoughts of summer, and thoughts of school seem to fade away even though we are still in session! There is a definitive correlation between warm weather, behavior referrals, and a drop off of academics. I see it every year. For whatever reason, more students start arriving in my office as soon as the weather hits 70+ degrees, and the number of students who have missing work, and even our weekly progress monitoring of reading fluency rates tend to go down. This can be challenging for some students. Please try to stay on top of your child's performance in school. Ask about their day, be aware of work they need to have done, and if there is ever a question about schoolwork, do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher. Hopefully with your cooperation at home, we can enjoy the warm temperatures AND continue to do well at school. • • Sincerely, • • Mr. Dan Dalchow ~ Principal Groton Area Elementary School Elementary Phone # 397-2317 E-mail: dan.dalchow@k12.sd.us • • Preschool - Paula Johnson • February was spent working on letters R and S. We also learned about how to take good care of our teeth so they stay healthy and strong. March has also been busy with the letters T through V so far and W and X yet to come. We were fortunate enough to have good weather which kept our scheduled activities right on track. We can only hope that it continues. With spring right around the corner, hopefully, we are looking forward to spending a little bit of time outside as well. • Preschool and Kindergarten screening was a success again this year. Thanks to the parents who took the time to bring their child in to participate. Thanks also to the volunteers who made it run smoothly. We also had the addition of the Lions Club doing the Vision screening. We had a great group of kids which made the long days go great! • • Kindergarten - Ann Gibbs and Renee Swisher • During the month of February, Kindergarten learned about being patriotic. We learned about two very important presidents-Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. We also had two very important visitors from the Groton American Legion Auxiliary. Tami Zimney and Lisa Pray visited our classrooms and talked to us about (Continued on page 2)