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bill that was acceptable to both bodies. I served on that second conference committee. We basically brought back the Senate bill and this time it was accepted. The bill calls for texting and driving to be illegal statewide. It will allow the local municipalities to maintain existing laws or create new laws dealing with texting and driving. The State ban is a secondary offense and it carries a $100 fine. Signs and the process of educating our citizens about the law will follow. I would have preferred it to be a primary offense but the bill is a compromise. The House bill called for only a $25 fine. We raised that to $100. They agreed to accept that if we would accept the secondary offense. We also held out for the local governments to be able to keep their own laws in place. We made a deal and got the best bill that we could get. Our hope is that it will save lives. We believe it will. • There were 448 bills and this is just a brief summary. I am disappointed also that we did not do enough for counties and townships. There were many bills presented to find funding sources to improve roads and bridges. The good news is that they are getting the message and there is a lot of talk about a summer study to get input as to how to best do this. Please attend and let your thoughts be known. • I would like to close by thanking you for the opportunity to serve District 2. It has truly been an honor for me. It is an election year and that process has begun. I am running for reelection as State Senator from District 2 and I ask for your support. I hope to see many of you this summer and fall. It is a long and grueling process but one I look forward to. I want to continue to work to be a voice for education and for a common sense approach to state government. We must keep our local schools, counties, and townships strong as these are the backbone of rural SD and the key to keeping us strong long into the future. • Keep an eye open for some events that I will be at and please come and talk to me. As always give me a call or email me with any questions or ideas that you may have. • Sincerely, • Chuck Welke • District 2 State Senate • Brown, Clark, Hamlin, and Spink • 605-216-1467 • chuckwelke@gmail.com