Tuesday,  March 25, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 252 • 5 of 38

(Continued from page 4)

• Darlyne Johnson reported that the math department is taking the common core standards into the curriculum. MathCounts teams continue to place well. Groton's team placed fourth and brought home a trophy for the district. Top two advance to state. There are nine seventh grade students who have tested out of seventh grade math. "Those are students who we need to preserve for the future," she said.
• Greg Kjellsen said his math books are now 12 years old and they will be needing new books as they are getting worn out. He reported that there are 52 students in Algebra II and he said that is the most he has ever had. "We had to rearrange the classroom to fit 28 students, but we made it work," he said.  In talking about the

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