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about it being the time to raise our gasoline taxes but that is a difficult thing to accomplish and I am sure that our Governor will veto anything that would raise a tax. Things have changed a lot since this was last increased and maybe it is time. What do you think? • We will be going back to Pierre on March 31 to consider any additional bills that the Governor might elect to veto. We had one veto during the session that dealt with raising a fee on rooms in Deadwood one dollar a night. This additional money was to be used for promotion. This bill would have raised the fee from $2 to $3 a night. It passed in both house with the needed 2/3rds vote but it did not get the needed 2/3rds vote the second time it came into the Senate to override the veto. We had a number of Deadwood bills such as to allow for 24/7 alcohol consumption in some of the casinos, different types of games to be allowed, and so on. • We did get a texting bill passed. It is a secondary offense and a $100 fine and local governments can maintain or pass stronger local laws. But it is a state-wide ban that will go into effect July 1st. Look for signs to remind you that it is against the law to text and drive. The process was interesting and I was appointed to the second conference committee to come up with this compromise bill. We think it was the best we could do. I would have preferred it to be a primary offense but we didn't have the votes for that. The best that can come out of this is that we as a state will recognize that this is a big problem and it is now against the law and everyone will stop doing it. • It was an interesting session. I am reminded what one headline read after the session last year. It basically asked the question, "A Wonderful Session, or a Wasted Winter?" It depends on what you were looking for. A lot of good things happened but we left out some very important issues. • Thank you. • Sincerely, • Chuck Welke • 605-216-1467 • Sen.welke@state.sd.us