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war, urged unity in the war against terrorism. Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian (jehn shwee bee-ehn) and his vice president were shot and slightly wounded in an apparent assassination attempt on the final day of Taiwan's presidential campaign. The Army dropped all charges against Capt. James Yee, a Muslim military chaplain at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who had been accused of mishandling classified information. • Five years ago: An Austrian jury sentenced Josef Fritzl, 73, to life in a psychiatric ward for locking his daughter in a dungeon for 24 years, fathering her seven children and letting an eighth die in captivity as a newborn. Pope Benedict XVI, visiting Cameroon, told Muslim leaders that true religion rejected violence; the pontiff also held up peaceful coexistence between Christianity and Islam in the country as "a beacon to other African nations." • One year ago: Pope Francis officially began his ministry as the 266th pope, receiving the ring symbolizing the papacy and a wool stole exemplifying his role as shepherd of his 1.2-billion strong flock during a Mass at the Vatican. Insurgents carried out a wave of bombings across Iraq that killed at least 65 people. Harry Reems, 65, the male star of the 1972 adult-film classic "Deep Throat," died in Salt Lake City, Utah. • • Today's Birthdays: Former White House national security adviser Brent Scowcroft is 89. Theologian Hans Kung is 86. Jazz musician Ornette Coleman is 84. Author Philip Roth is 81. Actress Renee Taylor is 81. Actress-singer Phyllis Newman is 81. Actress Ursula Andress is 78. Singer Clarence "Frogman" Henry is 77. Singer Ruth Pointer (The Pointer Sisters) is 68. Actress Glenn Close is 67. Film producer Harvey Weinstein is 62. Actor Bruce Willis is 59. Actress-comedian Mary Scheer is 51. Playwright Neil LaBute is 51. Actor Connor Trinneer is 45. Rock musician Gert Bettens (K's Choice) is 44. Rapper Bun B is 41. Rock musician Zach Lind (Jimmy Eat World) is 38. Actress Abby Brammell is 35. Actor Craig Lamar Traylor is 25. Actor Philip Bolden is 19. • • Thought for Today: "No one is such a liar as the indignant man." - Friedrich Nietzsche (NEE'-chuh), German philosopher (1844-1900). •