Eliminating Unnecessary Red Tap A column by Gov. Dennis Daugaard:
• Now that we're almost through the winter, it's about time to begin spring cleaning. We will sweep out garages, clean closets, and give walls and floors a thorough scrubbing. • We've already been doing some of our own spring cleaning in state government. A few years ago I began an effort to scrub our laws and regulations by asking state agencies to identify provisions we can repeal. • In 1913, Gov. Robert S. Vessey said in his State of the State address, "It is my conviction, and in it I am not alone, that the tendency of very many legislative bodies is toward too many rather than too few new laws and I again offer the oft-repeated statement that there is a demand for the reduction and curtailment of the amount of legislation biennially passed by the Legislature and placed among our laws."
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