• Everyone has an "attitude." Sometimes it is not obvious. But the more time we spend with a person and get to know them, the sooner we will realize "who they really are." No one can hide their true identity forever. • When I was a child my mother and I seemed to constantly "disagree" on my selection of friends. I remember hearing her say quite frequently, "Larry, you are not to go to Al's home," or "you are not going to play baseball with Bruce," or "if I see you playing marbles with Steve I'm going to take all of your marbles from you." Only later in life did I realize what was "going on." It was important to her that my friends have the same values and beliefs that she wanted me to have. • God gave our Psalmist great insight about friends when he wrote, "Away from me evildoers, that I may keep the commands of my God!" • We all need friends. But we need friends who will lead us to paths of righteousness. Unfortunately, we are often attracted to people with bright, happy and fun-filled personalities. They like to laugh, have good times and live exciting lives. They are a pleasure to be with and bring a sense of optimism into our life. But, they may lead us away from the Lord as we pursue a life filled with things that pass. • We need to be careful when we select our friends and companions. We need friends who will encourage us and challenge us to be Christ like, who will lift us up in our faith and draw us closer to God. Before we get close to anyone we must know if they are close to God. If Jesus is our best friend, then, our best friends must be like Jesus. • Prayer: Give us great care, Father, when we choose our friends. May we not befriend those who will lead us astray. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:115 Away from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commands of my God! •