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Daugaard. "The new expansion will provide more internships in science, engineering, information technology (IT), accounting and manufacturing. The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation identified these industry sectors as high-need, and now, more than ever, the demand is high for a qualified, highly-trained workforce." • Dakota Seeds is a popular program among South Dakota businesses. From 2008 to 2013, more than 190 South Dakota companies have used the program to provide 463 internship experiences. The interns gained valuable work experience and earned more than $3.5 million dollars combined. Additionally, more than one-third of the interns went on to take full-time employment with the company at which they interned. While the program only requires a one-to-one match, in reality, for every dollar the Dakota Seeds program has contributed, companies have matched it with more than $2. • For more information on the Dakota Seeds program, visit www.dakotaseeds.com.