Brown County farmer supports local 4-H through America's Farmers Grow Communities
• Local farmer Lance Hanson has directed a $2,500 donation to the Brown County 4-H Horse Association. Funded by America's Farmers Grow Communities, the donation will help the group purchase equipment for the Brown County Horse Show. • Thanks to the support of farmers across the country, more than $3.2 million is being directed to nonprofits in 1,289 counties in 39 states. • "It's important to keep youth involved and interested in ag," said Hanson. "My wife has been a 4-H leader for 17 years, so it is something that is dear to both of us. We enjoy helping with the
horse program and are excited to be able to help them in this way." • America's Farmers Grow Communities works directly with farmers to support nonprofit organizations like the Brown County 4-H, who are doing important work in their communities. The program offers farmers the chance to win $2,500, which is then donated to the farmer's nonprofit of choice. The search for funding to sustain and enhance programs is a year-round job for nonprofit organizations across the country. Through America's Farmers Grow Communities, farmers have been able to support a variety of groups, such as schools, fire departments, community centers and youth organizations like 4-H and FFA.