• Nearly everyone has been exposed to the damage an ungodly heritage can be on someone's life. Often we hear horror stories of fathers who beat their children because they were beaten by their fathers. Many times women whose mothers were beaten by abusive men often marry men who abuse them. Children who learn their values in families where alcohol and other drugs are a regular part of daily activities grow up to think that abusing drugs is a way of life for most people. Each of us has been given the "gift" called "heritage" by our parents. For most of us, it has dramatically influenced how we think and act. • Some of us have been given the blessings of growing up in a Christian home. Some have not had this privilege and have struggled to break the cycle of sin and suffering. Our past, however, does not control our future. • Our Psalmist wrote, "Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart." • We often focus on our past experiences and compare what has happened to us by what has happened to others. Sometimes we find things in our heritage that we are happy about and thankful for. Other times we become angry or jealous because others have received more than we have. Then, we feel deprived, jealous and resentful. • But our Psalmist did neither. He focused on himself and the heritage God wanted him to have: a heart filled with joy! And the wonderful fact about His heritage is that we can pass it on to our children, our friends, anyone and everyone we meet. God's heritage is unlimited. • Prayer: We are grateful, Father, that our past does not determine our future. In You, all things can become new. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:111 Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.