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• Championship: Mitchell 72, Pierre 30 • District 4AA • Third Place: Spearfish 44, Rapid City Central 37 • Championship: Sturgis 56, Rapid City Stevens 43 • Region 3A Regional Final • Garretson 46, Madison 40 • Region 5A Regional Final • Mt. Vernon/Plankinton 38, West Central 36 • Region 2B Region Final • Sully Buttes 61, Potter County 35 • Region 4B Regional Final • Hanson 60, Chester 34 • Region 5B Regional Final • Gayville-Volin 44, Freeman 40, OT •
House panel kills 1 texting-driving ban, 1 remains NORA HERTEL, Associated Press
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota lawmakers are waging a battle over two proposals to ban texting while driving, with the issue of local control emerging as a deciding factor. • The House Transportation Committee voted 8-4 to defeat the Senate version of the ban, which would have made texting while driving a petty offence with a $100 fine. • Opponents said it would allow cities to have their own, stricter policies, causing inconsistencies across the state. • Supporters of the measure said lawmakers should have passed both bills to ensure that some form succeeds. • The House version includes a lesser fine for the offence -- $25 -- and prohibits cities from making tougher regulations on texting and driving. • Some lawmakers argued that they shouldn't interfere with local policies. A few cities have more stringent bans in place already. In the city of Mitchell, texting while driving is a primary offence, so lawmakers can pull some people over for that alone. • "This bill allows at least some semblance of local control," said Rep. Ray Ring, D-Vermillion, supported the failed Senate-backed bill. "I think the $100 penalty is far more appropriate." • That bill's main sponsor, Sen. Mike Vehle, said he was disappointed to see the conversation turn into an issue of local control. His bill does not address lo (Continued on page 17)