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foundations. We are currently working with multiplying and dividing fractions in class. We are also working through our standards by adding and subtracting integers. This is new material for our fifth graders, but they are handling it very well. • In Science, we are now racing through our material, literally. The kids have been busy working on making cars out of 2 cd's, a can, some rubber bands and a pencil. We are busy looking to learn about potential energy and kinetic energy. They have enjoyed this project thoroughly and we will soon race our cars in class. • In Social Studies, we are working on the first colonies. The kids have been learning about what it would have been like to live in the 1600's and how hard they had to work in order to survive. They have had the chance to decide if they would or would not have signed the Mayflower Compact agreeing that they can govern themselves. Many of the students said they would have signed it because they think they would like to be able to come up with the rules they have to follow. • Our students will soon be given the opportunity to begin partaking in band. This will start in February and every student will be exposed to it for a couple of weeks. The class is constructed to expose all the kids to the instruments available to them. After this initial period, they will then be encouraged to participate in band and will have options offered to continue. We will also be starting our D.A.R.E. program in the 4th quarter which will take place in the classroom.
• Physical Education - Lynette Grieve • We finished our Basketball unit just after Christmas break. We then started a Tumbling unit. We learned and/or practiced log rolls, forward rolls, backward rolls, the crab walk, the bridge, sit-ups, push-ups, wheel barrel, and chin-ups. We also learned and practiced how to do cart-wheels and head stands. • We finished our tumbling unit and then started a two week Winter Olympic Games dedication. The events we are doing are the Ice Hockey, (Floor Hockey), and Bobsledding, (Scooter races). When the Olympics are over, we will start a dance unit. • When we finish the dance unit we will be doing stations of many activities. Then we will play some inside games. When the snow finally melts, we will be back outside.
• GRASP/OST (Before and After School Program) - Rose Long • Recent Activities: • During GRASP, students have been participating in a variety of activities that help develop different social and motor skills. The students have been having a lot of fun each week coloring, building and playing with Legos, Jenga Blocks, and with (Continued on page 6)