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high school memories and then they will be making a padded bulletin board in which they can display pictures at their graduation receptions and then take them to wherever their plans take them.
• Personal Finance - Mrs. Tietz • Personal Finance students began the semester in a unit focused on their values, needs and wants. They also have spent a lot of time writing financial and educational goals for themselves, as they will soon be experiencing life on their own soon. They have also explored the financial life cycle, spending plans, budgeting for life events, and savings and investing. We are currently studying the housing and the benefits of renting vs. buying, how to locate and secure a place to live, and how this fits into your budget.
• FCCLA - Mrs. Tietz • We celebrated FCCLA week, February 9-15, by selling "Crush" cans to students and delivered them on Valentine's Day. We also sponsored the "Pregnancy Belly" Fundraiser where nine of our male teachers volunteered to be put "at risk" for wearing the emphathy belly (it simulates what a pregnancy feels like at 7 months gestation). Each teacher had a jar in the high school office where students and staff could put their money of the teacher who they would like to see wear the belly. Lucky Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hawkins had the most money in the jars and had the honor of wearing the belly for a school day! The proceeds of both fundraisers will be going towards a donation FCCLA will making to the city in the future. We would like to put the money towards community projects at the park, the pool, or baseball complex that will benefit children and families. Fourteen of the FCCLAers will be attending the state meeting at the end of April where they will be competing in the Illustrated Talk categories and as be helping runners and timekeepers. We will wrap up the year with our annual style show on May 1. Please come and enjoy all of the projects the students have made as well as the latest prom fashions! • • 6th Grade ART - Janene Harry • During this quarter the 6th grade artists did a watercolor painting of birch trees that included mixing colors to make a sunset sky and shadows on the snow. The next project was Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. They made things like a piano, a cup and even a balloon. Another project was Movement Bodies where they learned how the parts of the body move and how to pose a person. We did our part for recycling by making Snowflakes from empty water bottles. The final project was (Continued on page 14)