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• We have added a couple new things to FFA week. First, the horticulture class made some floral arrangements out of recycled pop bottles. On Wednesday the students took their arrangements to Golden Living Center to give to the residents. The FFA members are also going to the elementary school to play FFA Bingo and Ag Jenga. On Thursday, six of the students drove tractors to school and then showcased them at the elementary as the members presented safety demonstrations to some of the classes. On Friday we will show our appreciation to the teachers by serving them a breakfast in the morning. We are also gearing up for our CDE events. The students are practicing after school to get ready to represent Groton FFA at the State Convention in April. • • FACS I - Mrs. Tietz • FACS I students are just completing their sewing unit in which they each are making themselves a pair of pajama pants, as well as a small drawstring bag. They began the unit learning basic sewing skills and have now all become very good sewers. They will soon be moving into the foods unit in which we focus on the six basic nutrients and how to prepare healthy and tasty foods.
• FACS II - Mrs. Tietz • Child Development, focusing on the toddler age, is the unit the FACS II students have been working on since returning from Christmas break. The students have learned the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive developmental milestones of toddlers. They have also learned how to enhance their development by providing appropriate, stimulating activities. The students had the opportunity to visit a local daycare where they observed social patterns of toddlers. They also developed games to enhance cognitive development and brought those to the daycare to implement with the children. In the next unit the students will make a satchel purse. We will then finish off the year with the Interior Design unit where they will explore the elements of design, tour local homes, and design and decorate their future home.
• FACS IV - Mrs. Tietz • Quilting, quilting, quilting!!! That is what filled third quarter in FACS IV. The students enjoyed choosing their own quilt pattern and fabric. They then bring them to life as the quarter goes on. They will soon be completing them and will be displayed at the FCCLA Style Show in May. This senior-filled class will finish their high school days off in FACS in a scrapbooking unit where they will be able to scrapbook some (Continued on page 13)