Putney Putovers
• The Putney Putover's 4-H Club met on February 11, at the Groton Community Center. The host and hostesses were Ashley Gibbs and Jillian Hughes. Alexis Hanton led the US flag pledge, Caleb Hanton led the State pledge, and Jillian Hughes led the 4-H pledge. Roll call Topic was " Favorite Valentine Candy". There was no secretary's report. The treasures report was $2,031.00 Emma Donley made a motion to accept the treasures report and Haily Monson seconded it. • Old business: We made a donation for the Welcome Home Baskets which were presented at the 60-day Yellow Ribbon event, held on Saturday, February 22nd . • Demonstrations/talks were given by: Caleb Hanton (demo) How to Make a Fishtail Bracelet. Carly Wheeting (talk) How to Choose your Meat Goat. Emma Donley (talk) Dietary Fiber for a Healthy Diet, (demo) How to make Healthy Cookies. • Business discussed at the meeting: fruit sales were turned in on Feb. 26th. A group project will be held on the March/April meetings. We will be making pillow cases, members will need to bring 1yd of fabric for the body, 1/2yd for the trim, and 1/8yd optional for accent. All coordinating fabrics • Our next meeting well be held at the Groton Community Center on March 10th at 6:00pm. Brenna and Porter Johnson are host and hostesses. Joellen Gonsoir and Dylan Kruger are community service. • - Tage Taylor