Lions Club
• Groton Lions Club members, Brett and Anna Schwan, hosted the monthly Lions Club potluck supper in their home, last Thursday evening. • Paula Johnson, Aberdeen; and Mary Johnson, Bristol, both teachers at the Groton School, were guests. • President Lee Schinkel introduced Mary, who gave her travelogue on her trip to Turkey last summer. • The club voted to hold an Easter egg hunt for kids in the park, the Saturday right before Palm Sunday., and to assist with eye screening at the elementary school, the first week in March. • Larry Wheeting, chairman, gave a report on the very successful wrestling tourney, in Groton • Lee Schinkel, delegate to the state convention in Sioux Falls, gave his report. The state president announced at the state convention, that the Groton Club had more than doubled their membership in the past year. •
Kiwanis Club
• President Tom Paepke opened the weekly Kiwanis meeting, last Wednesday noon., and announced the next event will be the athletic banquet, on May 5. Steve Giedt is chairman. • Lori Giedt was program chairman, and introduced Kelle Townsend. Kelle told about taking ownership of the Olde Bank Flowers 'N More. She toild of additions to her line of products and services. • Next week's program chairman is Orville Schaller, followed by Lee Schinkel. •