ABC Birthday Club
The ABC birthday club met at the Dairy Queen on February 4th with Ella Johnson, as hostess. Prizes were awarded to LaVonne Helmer, Penny Stolle, Mary Jo Ball and Amy Flemer received the honor. Guest were Gloria Pharis, Mel Eikamp, Arlowyn Spencer, Penny Stolle, Jean Olson and on March 4th ABC Club will meet at the Dairy Queen at 1 o clock with no hostess.
Groton Garden Club
The Groton Garden club met February 17 at the home of Suzy Oliver with Elda Stange assisting with a delicious supper. Ten members answered roll call with the date of the final snow fall of the winter. The date for the state convention have been moved from June 20 and 21 to June 27-28 in Groton. The district meeting is set for July 12 at 11:30 at the home of Linda Gengerke. The City will be contacted about the memorial money given to the garden to plant trees to replace the dying ones. March meeting will be held at the home of DeLoris Knoll on March 17 at 5:30 with Hazel McKittrick and Pat Larson assisting Eunice McCollister will give the program. Linda Gengerke gave the program on "mandevilla", "planting the Perfect Pat," and the Gift of Emerald Thumbs.