Groton is pilot school for new teacher evaluation
• Principals Dan Dalchow and Anne Schwan talked about the teacher evaluation program that is being implemented this year. Through the Teachscape program, notes are taken during the observations and then the observations are categorized. This is a new tool devised by the state and all schools will be required to use this for teacher evaluation. The program will not be used every year as Dalchow said, "Everyone would get burned out if we used this every year." • "Most teachers don't need this strong of scrutiny every year," said Superintendent Joe Schwan. "I think this is really good stuff, but there's a lot there." Groton School is one of the pilot schools in South Dakota using Teachscape. • Schwan said the city will have open to having a discussion about working with the police department to have increased security at the school. • NSU will bring a production entitled, "Romeo and Juliet" on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2:15 p.m. Freshmen through seniors will attend and after the production, the cast will answer questions previously prepared by the English classes. • There was a 97 percent turnout at the elementary school for parent-teacher conferences. • Joy Voss has not taken out a petition for school board. Steve Smith has turned in his petition. • The board approve Summer 2014 Driver's Education employment agreement for Shaun Wanner at rate of $19.00/hour for student driving plus the stipend for classroom instruction based upon enrollment figures not to exceed $600. • The resignation of Dennis Davies as custodian effective January 31, 2014 was approved. • The board amended Dorothy Reder's custodial work agreement from 30 hrs./week to 40 hrs./week effective 2/18/14. • Brooke Lingbeck was hired as a Business Education/Technology teacher for 2014-2015 school year with salary to be published in July. • The board approve wage increase for Madeleine Gonsoir from $10.00/hour to $12.00/hour effective February 21, 2014 as a result of obtaining valid South Dakota Teacher Certificate pursuant to Negotiated Agreement for a total increase of $868. • Deb Winburn made the presentation for the third grade program overview. Kristi Anderson was unable to be present for the presentation - she lost her voice. There are 43 students in the third grade. They have been making adjustments to prepare for the Common Core program. Winburn noticed that over the past couple of years, students are having a more difficult time listening due to technology. She said that some of the tests reflect listening skills. • Joel Guthmiller and Susan Fjeldheim gave a report on the fourth grade. There (Continued on page 3)