Governor Signs Bills Of Legislative Session Into Law
• PIERRE, S.D. - Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed several bills of the Eighty-Ninth Legislative Session. The first bill signed was HB 1016, "An Act to repeal certain outdated or unnecessary statutes and administrative rules pertaining to the Department of Public Safety." Here is a list of the bills that have been signed into law. • HB 1009 - An Act to repeal the creation of the commemorative medallion fund. • HB 1010 - An Act to repeal the tree nursery reserve fund. • HB 1016 is one of the Governor's red tape repealer bills. During the 2012 and 2013 legislative sessions, bills were passed repealing 378 unneeded administrative rules and 919 obsolete sections of law, totaling more than 148,000 words. Even more bills were proposed this year to continue that work. • In addition to HB 1016, the Governor signed the following legislative bills on Monday, Feb. 10: • HB 1017 - An Act to repeal certain outdated and unnecessary statutes related to the Department of Social Services. • HB 1018 - An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the record-keeping process of child welfare agencies to the Department of Social Services. • HB 1024 - An Act to place certain substances on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency. • HB 1026 - An Act to provide for the transfer of the state's interests in the Webster National Guard armory and underlying land to the city of Webster. • HB 1027 - An Act to provide for the transfer of the state's interests in the Watertown National Guard armory to the city of Watertown. • HB 1032 - An Act to revise certain provisions regarding children placed in residential treatment centers or intensive residential treatment centers. • HB 1035 - An Act to provide certain provisions relating to the executive branch internship program. • HB 1037 - An Act to authorize the Transportation Commission to establish limited speed zones on non-state trunk highways under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation. • HB 1044 - An Act to authorize limited cosmetology services outside of a licensed salon or booth. • HB 1047 - An Act to revise various trust and trust company provisions. • HB 1049 - An Act to establish and revise certain provisions regarding the South Dakota Athletic Commission. • HB 1055 - An Act to revise certain provisions regarding references to the Inter (Continued on page 8)