(Continued from page 5)
• The pen President Benjamin Harrison used to sign the proclamations of statehood for South Dakota and North Dakota; • Tickets to the Republican and Democratic state conventions held in Huron in 1889 to nominate candidates for the new state's offices; • A ticket issued to Gideon Moody - who was elected as one of the state's first U.S. Senators - to attend South Dakota's first legislative assembly in Pierre on Oct. 16, 1889; • And a gavel made from a stair railing from Germania Hall in Sioux Falls - the site of the state's constitutional conventions in 1883, 1885 and 1889. The gavel was used in the state House of Representatives until 1974. • Two traveling exhibits from the State Historical Society will also be displayed in the hallways of the first and second floors of the Capitol from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Feb. 21. • The first display, "Marketing Dakota," depicts the sales pitches and promises used to draw settlers to the territory and state. The second, "Drawn to the Land: Homesteading Dakota," tells the story of the homesteading experience. The exhibits are two of ten the Society will have available. The rest will be on display in communities throughout the state later this year. • Information about the South Dakota State Historical Society and the traveling exhibits is available at history.sd.gov/Museum/exhibits/traveling.aspx. • To find out more about 125th anniversary activities, visit 125.sd.gov.