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ing it up within the next 10 days. • In 2013, the city has transferred $100,000 from the water fund, $820,000 from the electric fund and $101,000 from the sewer fund to help pay for the street repairs in 2013. • Kim Weber and friends are collecting funds for playground equipment at the pool and would like something for the 2-year-old to 5-year-olds. "It would be wonderful if they could raise the funds," Muilenberg said. Weber has the Sunday School kids at the Methodist Church bringing in donations for the playground as a starter. • The bids were opened for the 2014 street resurfacing project. Street Superintendent Terry Herron had an estimate cost of the project at $104,699. The low bid came in from Top Coat, Yankton, for $104,896.64 and was accepted. Five bids were submitted. • The baseball advisory committee was appointed: Kathy Bjerke, Merle Harder, Bary Keith, Mitchell Locke, Kevin Pharis, Brian Schuring and Craig Sternhagen. • The pool and baseball fees for 2014 were tabled until the respective committees can bring back suggestions. • Approximately 60 letters will be sent out to regular delinquent utility customers. The letter will state that they need to get on a payment plan. Failure to get on a payment plan or get current by April 1 will have their electric meter disconnected by May 1. The council agreed to the plan. • Big oil wants to cut ethanol production. The EPA wants to cut back on ethanol