(Continued from page 4)
• The floor session are getting longer every day and the floor speeches more emotional. It's accurate to say that the majority of legislators (from both parties) are frustrated with a certain few legislators who are using the House Floor to grandstand on federal or international issues which are entirely out of our jurisdiction. Perhaps it's because these individuals are running for federal office. Others might simply want a platform over SDDP to air their views. Whatever their motives, we are spending an extraordinary amount of time in this unproductive manner. We have voted on Resolutions about Taiwan, auditing the Federal Reserve Board, federal immigration, and even remembering the War of 1812. Because resolutions have no power of law, they seek to merely express opinions. We were not elected to hear ourselves talk on issues which we have no chance of affecting through the SD legislature. We're wasting time. Let's get back to work on what really matters to the voters of