Tuesday,  Feb. 11, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 210 • 27 of 39

(Continued from page 26)

last week, Gosch added the statewide texting ban to the bill's language.
• Representatives of cities and police chiefs supported the bill, but said they want it changed as it moves through the Legislature so cities and counties could continue imposing their own, stronger bans.
• Myron Rau, a former Highway Patrol officer who is now president of the South Dakota Trucking Association, said details of a ban are not important because most people will stop texting while driving if state law forbids it.
• "I think anybody who's worn a uniform for a long time would agree you don't affect behavior by fines. You affect behavior by culture. This is a culture that needs to change," Rau said.
• Gosch has said he believes a ban will reduce texting while driving only if it is coupled with a state advertising campaign that urges drivers not to engage in distracting activities.
• The bill would make it a petty offense carrying a $25 fine to drive while using a hand-held device to write, send or read text-based messages. However, drivers could still use cellphones to talk and could text using voice-operated or hands-free technology.
• Law enforcement officers also could issue tickets for texting while driving only after stopping drivers for some other traffic violation.
• Mitchell Public Safety Chief Lyndon Overweg, who is also president of the South Dakota Police Chiefs Association, said local law officers want the ability to stop motorists just for texting behind the wheel, rather than having to stop them for some other offense first.
• "It would just give us a little more teeth in certain cities that want it," Overweg said.
• Yvonne Taylor, executive director of the South Dakota Municipal League, said cities support a statewide texting ban, but believe they should have authority to impose their own distracted driving ordinances.

Dakotas reservation with propane crisis gets help
BLAKE NICHOLSON, Associated Press

• BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- An American Indian reservation in the Dakotas that has been hit hard by the nation's propane shortage is getting help from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux.
• The Minnesota tribe that operates several enterprises including a casino and runs a charitable grant program is giving the Standing Rock Sioux $500,000 for pro

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