Groton Elementary News
• Elementary Principal ~ Dan Dalchow • This time of year is typically the time of year where a lot of advancements and key concepts are mastered. Students understand expectations, they are comfortable with the ebb and flow of the school schedule, and we get a lot accomplished in the classroom. There are many ways you can help your child at home to enhance what is being accomplished in the classroom. Whether it be reading together, helping out with homework, or even just spending quality time with them, it all helps to make your child's education the best it can be. If you are looking for ideas to help your child at home, do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher. They will have numerous ideas and simple activities for you to do with your child. All you need to do is ask! • If there is nothing to do in regards to homework, some time spent reading each night is a great way to keep a regular time for homework. Students who read 15 minutes per day on a daily basis will, after one year, have read the equivalent of 15 whole school days of instructional time! • Sincerely, • Mr. Dan Dalchow ~ Principal Groton Area Elementary School Elementary Phone # 397-2317 E-mail: dan.dalchow@k12.sd.us • • Preschool - Paula Johnson • As I write this newsletter it is 20 degrees below zero with the wind chill today!! Thankfully it is much warmer in our classroom. December was a busy month with fun themes like reindeer, mittens, and Christmas. We spent a lot of our time singing fun songs, acting out finger plays, and playing holiday games. We were also busy making some special gifts for our parents. • After a long Christmas break we have spent the first week of January getting back into the routine of things and reviewing what we have learned so far. This week we are moving on to the letter "P", which means we get to wear out pajamas and make pancakes!!! As you can see, we continue to have a lot of fun in preschool while learning at the same time. • Just a reminder that preschool screening will be held Monday March 3rd - Friday March 7th. If your child is 3 or will be eligible for Kindergarten next year, please call the office and set up a time to bring you child in that week. • • Kindergarten - Ann Gibbs and Renee Swisher • Happy New Year! We are very excited in Kindergarten! The students received their very first Reading books and are all working hard at becoming good readers! (Continued on page 3)