• I grew up in a generation that never kissed on the first date. Sad to say, that idea went out with Noah and his ark and you can kiss that idea goodbye. • Nothing wrong with a kiss, if it is with the right person. It seems we are living in a culture where all anybody thinks about is kiss, kiss, kiss. So much so, that the average kiss is just that, average. Whatever happened to the romance factor behind the kiss? • I am one that is not given to hugging people let alone kissing them. I have friends in a certain church that believes in what they call, "A Holy Kiss." They take it from the Bible where it says that we are to greet one another with a holy kiss. As soon as I find out and understand what a holy kiss is, I might start doing it. But not until then and don't count on it. • I am one of those people that likes a warm friendly handshake. Such a handshake conveys all I really want to say at the moment. It is not that I am unfriendly and it is not that I do not have warm feelings about people. I just like to preserve "my space." • A kiss could mean a lot of things to different people. I see an advertisement on television all the time that says, "Every kiss begins with Kay." What does that really mean? Does everybody have to go to the Kay's jewelry store in order to kiss someone? Is that where kissing really begins? If so, please count me out. • A kiss should be something special and not thrown around like some dirty old rag. It should mean something to the people involved. • Some believe romance begins with a kiss. If that is so, I am out of the game. • So many people "kiss and tell" that I think there should be some kind of law enacted to prohibit this sort of activity. A kiss should be a private activity not to be shared with the whole world. When sharing such an activity with the whole world, it ceases to be romance and enters into the area of performance. And boy do I hate performance. Not just because I am a bad actor... Well, maybe it is just because I'm a bad actor. • Today kissing is so cavalier that it hardly means anything to anybody. • I still remember my first kiss. • I was in Bible school studying for the ministry where I met this girl. We had been dating two months before I realized we were dating. On many things, especially in (Continued on page 8)