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shows a pattern of random and inconsistent judgments: • ___
AP analysis of data on US military sex crimes in Japan shows most offenders don't serve time
• Hundreds of records detailing sex-crime investigations involving U.S. military personnel stationed in Japan show most offenders were not incarcerated, suspects received light punishments after being accused of serious violations, and victims increasingly were wary of cooperating with investigators. • According to the Department of Defense documents: • NAVY USE OF NON-JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT ON RISE • Data from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which handles the Navy and Marine Corps, show that Navy commanders in Japan increasingly are resolving sexual assault cases through nonjudicial punishment rather than courts-martial. From 2006 to 2009, they favored courts-martial, but from 2010 to 2012 they were three times more likely to choose non-judicial punishment. In 2012, just one Navy sex-abuse case went to a court-martial, while 13 were handled through nonjudicial punishment. • ___
Some of the old Soviet-era sporting glory would be a welcome balm for Russia right now
• SOCHI, Russia (AP) -- No one proved a tougher draw when it mattered than the Russians at home in winter. • But woe unto the Russian Olympian who lets his countrymen down at these games -- even if what's at stake is the nation's image and not its survival. • "I don't feel pressure right now because I'm here," Alexander Ovechkin, Russia's highest-profile winter athlete said last week back in the United States. • "But I'm sure as soon as I go into Sochi, I'm going to feel it," the Washington Capitals star added, "and we have to handle it together." • They'd better, since everybody from President Vladimir Putin down to the pensioners at the local McDonald's nursing a cup of coffee and memories of Soviet-era glory will be keeping a close eye on the medals table. If nothing else, that message is filtering down to the athletes. • ___
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