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the 2013 Session with an appropriation of $1.5 million for the principal and another $200,000 in one-time money for the 2013-14 year anticipating 800-1,000 scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000. We must build a meaningful trust fund so that this new program can truly help students from low income families stay in college or tech school. • • Decreasing College Debt Burden for SD Students • • JAG (Jobs for America's Graduates) HB 1060 appropriated $225,000 to implement a 3 year JAG program. In FY13-14, there are 5 Districts with JAG programs (Todd County, Wagner, Andes Central, Rapid City, and Bennett County). There was a 100% graduation rate among JAG students in 2012-13. The 5 school districts with JAG programs in 2013-14 school year served 126 students. Our proposal would expand this program to benefit more schools and students. • • Expanded Early Childhood Education • The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis conducted a study which indicates that early learning is one of the wisest investments in economic development because it helps children from at-risk backgrounds. • • Expanded Prenatal Care All unborn children deserve a healthy start in life, regardless of the mother's income level, race or citizenship. Prenatal care saves taxpayer dollars, saves lives and helps infants and children get a healthy start so they can succeed in school and in the workforce. • • Governor's Proposal for Technical Institute Scholarship • The tech schools have asked for reinstatement of the Critical Needs Workforce Scholarship fund to help with recruiting. The Governor's office has granted the request and made $500,000 available for each of the next three years. This is a good start but we must go further. • • Affordable Housing • It does no good to create jobs if the potential workers cannot find affordable housing. The legislature began to address this in 2013's Building South Dakota pro (Continued on page 7)