Johnson's Rural Housing Fight Continues to Help South Dakotans
• WASHINGTON, DC -Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman Tim Johnson's (D-SD) efforts to ensure that hundreds of rural communities across the nation remain eligible for rural housing programs administered by the USDA paid off yesterday when the USDA announced that current rural housing eligibility requirements will now be extended through September 30, 2014. • "Buying or building a home in a rural area has its own unique challenges, and the USDA's rural housing programs have helped make responsible homeownership a reality for countless working families in South Dakota and nationwide," said Johnson. "I am proud to be a part of making these important extensions possible and will continue to work for longer term fixes so younger generations can stay in the communities they're from and can have the ability to purchase a home." • Johnson helped include language to extend rural housing eligibility requirements (Continued on page 3)