• Walk through the waiting area in any emergency room and the "face of anxiety" becomes real. From a minor cut to a major wound, fear is obvious and real. Even people with a deep faith in God are often grasping for a sign of hope or a word of comfort. • Our Psalmist was familiar with feelings of both peace and anxiety. He knew the comfort of God's grace and had experienced His peace. However, he had an illness that took him to the very door of death. And beginning in verse one he walks us through his ordeal expressing his love for God and the greatness of His grace. He also presented a beautiful picture of God: He is a God who listens to our cries, responds with help, is gracious and righteous, filled with compassion, protects even the "simple-hearted" folk who are in need and saves them. All of the characteristics that he uses to describe God, by the way, are ones that every Christian can develop and share with others. • At the end of his ordeal he seems to catch his breath and reminds himself to: "Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." It's as though he could not believe the goodness of God, His grace or His power. • Paul wrote to the Corinthians about this. "...My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in (your) weakness." God's power to put our minds and heart at peace is a theme that runs through Scripture. • God spoke of this in Genesis: "Do not be afraid for I am with you..." And before Jesus returned to be with His Father He promised that "I am with you always!" • Prayer: Lord, when we face situations that are beyond our control, assure us of Your presence, peace and power. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 116:7 Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. •