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South Dakota was the last state in the country to offer need-based assistance for postsecondary education. Eighteen institutions of higher education in the state ended up splitting $200,000 in the first year of the South Dakota Needs Based Grant Program. Unfortunately, the law only allows 4 percent of the interest earned on the principle to be used for the scholarships in future years. That means that schools will probably see only $60,000 to $75,000 annually in the next few years. We hope that we haven't finally provided funds to needy students only to take them away in the very next year. Restoring adequate funding will be a high priority for us. • There will be a number of interesting issues so I urge you to keep up with the process and let us know what you think. I invite you to contact me with your questions and concerns. I may be reached by phone at 605-216-1467 and through email at chuckwelke@gmail.com. • Thank you. • Chuck Welke • SD State Senator • District 2 • Brown, Clark, Hamlin, Spink